Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Commute

I walk to and from work every day (usually twice a day, with the whole going home for lunch thing), and was recently taking note of the interesting things that happen to me along the way....

I have finally settled on the optimal route from my apartment to the office. What does the optimal route entail, you may wonder? Well, it is the route...
  • where I spend the greatest amount of time walking on actual paved sidewalk as opposed to walking in the dirt (there is some very specifically timed street crossing that goes into this – because really, who wants to show up to work with dirty feet?)
  • where I have the least chance of getting squashed by a chapa (mini-bus) while trying to cross the street, something that can be quite difficult to avoid considering that chapas...
    • do not yield to pedestrians
    • do not slow down for pedestrians
    • do not swerve to avoid hitting pedestrians
    • sometimes drive on the wrong side of the road
  • where I avoid the majority of the trees that are likely to have a boy or man peeing behind them (behind being a relative word of course, as many of these trees are actually located in the middle of the sidewalk)

The things that are most frequently offered to me – for sale – while walking down the street
  • credit for my cell phone (99% of cell phones here are on pre-paid credit plans)
  • plug adaptors and extension cords (I think because I walk down a main street where there are lots of cafes frequented by foreigners?)
  • really bad mass-produced “African” art (for the same reason)
  • roasted peanuts (delicious!)
  • fruit out of a basket that is skillfully balanced on some woman’s head

The things that are most frequently offered to me – for free – while walking down the street
  • random men’s phone numbers
  • random men’s eternal love (okay so they may not use the word eternal, but the feeling is there)
  • marriage proposals (don’t get too excited mom....I don’t think these are the guys you had in mind for me)


Anonymous said...

Well, who can blame the men who fall instantly and eternally in love with you? You are our blondie after all. Perhaps they just see straight to the wonderful Chica we have come to know and love?

That, or they just dig white chicks with a fine booty.

Miss you, babe!


Anonymous said...

hahahhaha this is hilarious!

"eternal...the feeling was there" ahahhaha

gluck girl. if you need any care packs, give a holler

Pirata (meg)